Monday, March 12, 2007

When you look at me,
What do you think..?

When there is a signal..
There is a respond,
When there is a time..
There is a day,
When the time is come,
There is a meeting..

When the time at a moment,
There is something to find out..
When you found trust,
There is a security..
When you feel comfort,
There is a love..
When the time is over,
There are passionate lover..

When somebody say's "when"?
There is a time to tell,
There is no need to ask..
When you found the answer is here..

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Saturday, March 10, 2007
My desk

My Desktop

Aku jarang guna pc kat umah.. most of the time aku pakai mac kat opis.. maka aku letak desk opis aku.. =_=

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Weird thing I do..? Ehem..

Rules & Regulations:
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you nee to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

1. Gamerz - I can be considered as gamerz. Currently Im getting addict with Pirate King Online Games. Got really addict.. into the level i wont eat, and I dont want to do anything else. Just wanna enjoy da game! Dont disturb me.. lol. It is really bad, especially it affect my social life.. and a bit of my performance at work.. well.. what to do.. I dont care how old I am.. Im addicted!

2. Jog at night - Im having a really dangerous weird habit. When I am stress.. I couldnt solve it soon. Its really stuck in my mind. When its stuck.. I cannot sleep well. I keep thinking about it badly. Sometimes it took me the whole night just to get sleep. =.= terrible feeling. If its keep bothering me a few days.. I will go jogg at night no matter how tired I am after work. The result? I just need a few seconds to fall asleep. Amazing..

3. Self talk - Haha.. having this kind of weirdo just like Nurel said. I talk so much to myself.. not only to get encourage. Also to keep me in good mood when I am too excited about something. Lol.. I had read the article about this.. actually it is good for your self esteem. Its build up your esteem and it is not crazy.. the fact is.. everyone talk to themselves.

4. First Impression? - Haha.. this is kind of weird thing I do. Each time I met someone I just knew I really looks at their appearance. Well, first impression is important to me.. the weird thing is I value it form what kind of shoes their wear. Lol.. I dun know scientifically why.. what can I say is.. when I look at someone shoes I can predict what type of people you are.. it is the most accurate that anything else that I study. So watch out.. when you wanna go out with me.. make sure you wear a good nice shoes.

5. Mirror mirror on the wall - I dun know why each time I had opportunities to look at my face in the mirror.. I will gladly say how cute I am.. lol.. I am cute..! yey!

6. Uniquely me - I like to do something different that other would do. Lately I met this one guy.. we being a friend now.. and he is Niger.. hergh.. I also wondering why Im doing such a thing.. what can I assure you.. I have intention to have a try something new. No matter how good or how bad it is.. I want to have a try.. for me it is like a self discovery.. get to know myself better.. what I like and what I dunt like.. The only way to know this.. I would like to have a try then from there I'll evaluate.

To whome I tag..?
Seem to me there is now one I can tag!
So, to whoever read this blog.. you are tagged.. haha.
Then leave your comment here.

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Im Dian.
A hopeless romantic Creative Designer and spend my time a lot at Creative Tomato,
Petaling Jaya,

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